
Candidates play fair in Iowa

But echoing earlier controversial remarks that Mexico was sending criminals across the border, Trump said a tough deportation policy was needed because “there’s definitely evidence” of crimes linked to immigrants living in the country illegally.


“She’s famous! You’ve got to have your picture taken with someone famous before you die”, said Foster’s daughter, Barb Jerome.

“The people understood it”, he said. I won’t play politics with national security or dishonor the memory of those who we lost.

Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination, agreed this week to turn over to the FBI the private server she used as secretary of state.

The inspector general for the Intelligence Community revealed last month that a review of a “limited sample” of 40 Clinton emails yielded four that “contained classified information“.

Friday night he was out of those comfort zones, sharing the bill in Clear Lake, population 7,692, with Democratic presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley and Lincoln Chafee. She said Friday she has also offered to answer questions before Congress. And, it was about emails she sent in 2012.

Her anger was clearly audible when she raised the email issue in the context of Benghazi.

Still, she was impressed by his retail skills as he worked the fair: “Obviously you can tell the kids are important to him“.

After joking about the email scandal, Clinton got more fiery, inviting Republicans to continue attacking her. Clinton’s campaign and defenders such as Sen. And I never received any that was marked classified. Federal regulations stipulate it’s the sender’s responsibility to label messages’ classification. That brought new questions about whether any classified information was mishandled.

The email issue has piled onto prior revelations about foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation to raise her unfavorable numbers and perceptions of untrustworthiness.

There was a lot more to see at the Iowa State Fair this year.

That lawsuit sought records related to Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state, specifically documents about the work of Abedin, Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff.

While people today concede Sanders, with his socialist background and unpresidential style – he’s also 73 – may be unelectable, they also recall the summer of 2007 when Obama captured their political imagination and ultimately their votes.

The 2,000 strong room of people gave standing ovations, let out deafening cheers, and broke out into cries of “Hillary, Hillary, Hillary“, as the former first lady ripped into the Republican party, laid out her policies and sought to allay fears of scandal. Tom Harkin, who endorsed her Thursday.

Clinton’s GOP counterpart, Trump made a grand entrance – the likes of which the Iowa State Fair has probably never seen.

“I know the press wants it. I don’t think the people care”. “Mrs. Clinton seems not to be able to have integrity and to tell the truth”.

[Clinton’s e-mail server turned over to FBI].

Clinton still maintains a large lead over Sanders in Iowa, however.

“We’re posting [the New College Compact] on our website, Facebook, Medium, Snapchat, just about everywhere we can think of”, Clinton said as she discussed college affordability.


Instead she delivered the sort of rip-roaring speech that is needed, if she is to allay her slow slide in the polls, and will have her campaign aides sleeping more soundly in their beds.

Trump helicopter