
Candidates prep for campaign’s biggest night: first debate

Hillary Clinton holds a 21-point lead over Donald Trump in NY state, keeping a must-win Democratic state in her column in the 2016 presidential race, according to a poll published today.


Obama will be campaigning for Clinton via rallies, targeted television and radio interviews, and fundraising, Bloomberg reported Tuesday. Last week he said that the debate would be better without a moderator.

He says that ISIS “happened on Hillary Clinton’s watch”, and added: “the rise of ISIS is Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy legacy”. I feel there’s a dark cloud over the country now and we are all witness to Hillary Clinton’s lies and corruption.

The investigations cast a long shadow over the presidential race, diverting both candidates’ plans for the day.

On the issues, voters prefer Trump on the economy, 46 percent to 41 percent, but Clinton comes out on top with every other issue polled: Being in charge of America’s nukes, good commander in chief, immigration, and terrorism and homeland security. The Trump Campaign alleged that Clinton Foundation is first and foremost an arm of the Clintons’ political and buck-raking apparatus. That compares with last month’s poll when Clinton held a 50-25 percent lead among registered voters.

Can Donald Trump win Pennsylvania?

Speaking with reporters on the tarmac of the Westchester County Airport in White Plains, New York, on Monday morning, Clinton, the Democratic nominee, said her Republican opponent’s bombastic language had aided enemies of the US.

Trump said he would be able to handle what Clinton might throw at him because he “went to the best school …”

Bill O’Reilly then asked Trump if he was comfortable with the moderators of the second presidential debate, which will be a town hall format.


While Republicans have traditionally been the party viewed as most effective on terror, especially immediately after September 11, Democrats have been chipping away at that, she said. It’s a phony system … they’re all Democrats. “As I said in the speech, we see Hillary Clinton’s lies and her bad behavior and we see her being covered by this president”, he said.

Donald Trump Elizabeth Warren