
Candlelight vigil Sunday night in Ferndale for victims of Orlando shooting

Thousands gathered for a vigil honoring the victims of the Orlando mass shooting Sunday evening in Loring Park. The current Miss Gay Tucson America quickly let her guard down as she let the friends and strangers alike know she had lost a friend in Orlando.


Berkley resident Laura Quirk said the reality of the murders brought her close to tears.

“Religion did not kill those people”.

Helena’s will be on the Capitol steps at 8 p.m.

As more than 100 people made their way from Costello’s to the Cape Fear River, officers with the Wilmington Police Department stood at various points along the way, creating safe passage for the vigil.

Rose O’Day, 62, left, with wife Kathy Huebener, 71, at a Sunday vigil at Ferndale City Hall for mass shooting victims in Orlando. Fayetteville police helped lead the crowd from the church to the corner of Dickson and West Avenue where a brief closing ceremony was held.

What was planned as a joyous event to celebrate LGBT pride in a Twin Cities suburb turned somber Sunday afternoon.

“Today we’re dealing with something that we never imagined and is unimaginable”, Dyer said. The Berkley couple married in New York City prior to the legalization of same-sex marriage in MI following a landmark June 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision.


“Thank goodness that there was a law enforcement officer there this morning because if that had not happened, think of how many more people would have died”, Scott said. “The hearts of the people of Ferndale stand in solidarity with the people of Orlando and the entire LGBTQAI family”.

Arkansans Remember Lives Lost in Orlando Shootings