
#CanYouHearUsNow? Muslim women clap back at Donald Trump

“My advice to Donald Trump has been and will continue to be to focus on jobs and national security and stop responding to every criticism whether it’s from a grieving family or Hillary Clinton”, Blunt said in a statement.


When asked why the Khans should apologize to Trump, Carson said Wednesday that “if you accuse someone of something that’s not true, it usually is a reasonable thing to acknowledge that”.

Many feel that the Republican Party they knew is unraveling in the face of a Trump candidacy, as the Monitor’s Linda Feldmann reports, particularly after he failed to endorse prominent Republicans such as Sen.

“He’s not a war hero”, Trump said.

Trump fired back saying Khan had “no right” to “viciously” criticize him and implied that Khan’s wife was forced to stay silent during the speech because she is Muslim.

In New Hampshire, where Trump enjoyed early popularity, a WBUR poll has Clinton 15 points ahead – up from just a 2 point advantage prior to the Democratic convention, Politico reports.

Trump’s response showed the ability of a 3-year-old to restrain his temper and impulses, garnering widespread condemnation even from numerous respected Republican leaders.

Trump’s proposed Muslim ban could have prevented the Khan family from immigrating to our nation and their son from serving in our military in the first place.

Some party officials are said to be “furious” with him, and others are reportedly exploring options in case he were to drop out, though there are absolutely no signs he will.

“I think he should express his regret and apologize for what he said to the Khans”, Cotton said after speaking to about 150 people at the Political Animals Club in Little Rock.

“I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices”. “I’m doing very well in New Hampshire”.

Now that all the balloons have been popped and the streamers packed away, there is only one post-convention question that lingers in the air – did the Republican and Democratic get-togethers in Cleveland and Philadelphia have any impact on voting intention?

Trump should humbly see how much the Khans and other Muslims love our country.

“Somebody running for president of the United States who has not read the Constitution?…”


The only way to ensure Trump moves on is to wait for him to tire of an issue or get drawn into another matter, according to those who have worked with him.

Republican Party attempts to rein in Donald Trump