
Car got broken after hitting an live chicken whereas chicken left with no damage

What you think, in an accident of a car and a chicken, who will be stronger, hopefully everyone will say car.


But here is an example where car got broken after hitting the chicken whereas the chicken left with no damage.

According to the report, the driver, Huang Lingyong, 31, was driving his car in somewhere in south china at the speed of 70 mph when his car suddenly met an accident with a chicken who was crossing the road.

He immediately stopped his car and went out to see what happened but left stunned after seeing that his car was broken and chicken was still alive.

He later said in talk “I thought it must be dead but then I heard a cluck-clucking and bent down to look closer. It was a little shaken up and its feathers all ruffled, but otherwise OK”.

He added “It seemed to me to be a very good advert for the durability of chickens and a very bad one for the quality of the car that I was driving”.


Car got broken after hitting an live chicken whereas chicken left with no damage