
Cara Delevingne Is Unrecognizable As Enchantress On Empire Cover

In the cover photo, Cara’s character is wearing a black bra and underwear, a lot of chains, and over all, a very dark look on her face.


“Suicide Squad” star Cara Delevingne says The Enchantress is a “feral being”. It certainly looks to be bigger than her two attempts to break out on screen this year, after Paper Towns underperformed and after she got stuck playing mermaids in the now historic bomb Pan. We know she’s immensely powerful. That unsuspecting vessel is one June Moone, whose fortuitous name takes on lunar tragedy when in her search for adventure on a spelunking expedition, she inadvertently awakens the Enchantress’ spirit. That’s not quite the same as June’s backstory in the comics, but it’s definitely similar. “She’s been trapped for so long and know she’s finally let out”. Except this version of the Enchantress has a few modern musical taste.

Cara Delevingne fans have never seen her like this before.

Ayer also posted Jared Leto’s Suicide Squadcover, revealing the tattoo-clad actor in his full Joker get-up.

The Suicide Squad is taking over the pages of Empire Magazine’s recent issue.

For Enchantress, Delevigne said, “I’d gather the accent, which is deeper and posher than June’s”.


Unfortunately, Delevingne didn’t comment on Enchantress possibly being the villain of the piece, so we’ll just have to see for ourselves when Suicide Squad hits theaters next August. “But this was a unique opportunity and I couldn’t imagine doing it another way”.