
Carbon tax may be needed to hit renewable energy targets

And while Republican lawmakers in Washington have fought to protect coal-fired power plants, opposing President Barack Obama’s efforts to curtail climate-warming carbon emissions, data show their home states are often the ones benefiting most from the nation’s accelerating shift to renewable energy. “This funding will help that mission by supporting industry partners working to integrate, store, and deploy solar energy throughout our electric grid”. It expects to invest $3 billion in new wind and solar projects in the next five years, up from the $4 billion it spent on renewables over the prior 10 years.


In addition to saving consumers money, wind power also employs a record high 88,000 Americans in good, family-supporting jobs.

Recently stock market analysts have updated their consensus ratings on shares of Renewable Energy Generation Ltd. (LON:WIND).

Meanwhile, the USA now gets around 10 percent of its electricity from renewable sources, according to the federal Energy Information Administration.

This year, the state power regulator Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission (OERC) has allowed Rs 30 crore in the annual revenue requirement (ARR) of bulk power purchaser Gridco exclusively towards purchase of additional quantum of renewable energy. WFEC maintains a well-balanced and diversified portfolio, with a total power capacity of more than 2,400 megawatts, including hydropower allocation and other contract power purchases.

“Indications that the government’s “Plan B” would be the capacity markets, rather than increased renewables generation, reinforce the already hostile policy environment for renewables”, the report stated.

The attractions of Britain for investors in renewable energy projects are at an all-time low, an authoritative new report has found. Power prices actually went negative for several hours, meaning commercial customers were being paid to consume electricity. Berkshire posted total quarterly earnings of $5.6 billion, up 8% from a year ago. Families bringing home $40,000 or less per year make up 40 percent of the US population, but only account for less than 5 percent of rooftop solar installations.

A significant development also took place this year in Morocco, when in February, King Mohammed VI inaugurated first phase of the Noor Ouarzazate concentrated solar power complex – the largest in the world – and launched construction works for Noor II and Noor III.

According to the GW Solar Institute at George Washington University, the installation cost of solar has dropped more than 70 percent in the last decade.


And there have been huge investments nationwide in renewable projects that generate electricity from the sun and the wind, two resources New Mexico has plenty of.

Facing the Realities of Renewable Energy