
Cardinal O’Malley reflects on pope’s visit to Cuba

The 40 minute meeting between Castro, 89, and Pope Francis, 78, was “very relaxed, fraternal and friendly”, according to Vatican spokesperson Father Federico Lombardi.


The Bishop of Rome presented the Cuban leader with a collection of theological books, and Fidel Castro gave the Pope an autographed copy of the book “Fidel and Religion” by the Brazilian theologian Frei Betto.

In addition, he said, the Pope brought a book and two CDs of homilies by Jesuit Father Armando Llorente, who had been one of Castro’s teachers in high school in Belen, Cuba.

Pope Francis met Fidel Castro and his brother Raul on Sunday.

Pope Francis, the first Latin American pontiff, helped facilitate that moment in secret negotiations. CLAUDIA DAUT/REUTERS Pope Francis gives Communion at the end of the first Mass of his visit to Cuba.

“Christians are constantly called to set aside their own wishes and desires, their pursuit of power, and to look instead to those who are most vulnerable”, he told the crowd, speaking beneath a towering sculpture of his fellow Argentinian Che Guevara’s iconic silhouette.

The Pope also had an hour-long private meeting with 84-year-old President Raul Castro at the Palace of Revolution. He said the pope’s message of change is what’s impacted him the most.

Like the last two popes to visit Cuba, Francis had no meetings with dissidents on his official schedule and his speeches were being closely watched for their handling of two delicate and related topics: human rights in Cuba and the church’s freedom to operate in the officially agnostic, communist state. After mass, the pope was expected to meet with Castro, then preside over vespers at Havana Cathedral before holding an unscripted exchange with young Cubans.

SANTIAGO, Cuba (AP) – Security was tight Monday for Pope Francis after a dissident got close enough to touch the popemobile a day earlier and at least three other opposition members were thwarted trying to accept Vatican invitations to greet the pontiff at ceremonies in Havana.

USA diplomat Jeffrey DeLaurentis talks to American Catholics during a reception at the U.S. Embassy residence in Havana September 20.


A crowd of tens of thousands braved the tropical heat to pack the square where Francis said Mass in Holguin, the fourth-largest city in Cuba and capital of the Castro brothers’ home region.

Watch Pope’s speech live at Fountain Square