
Carly Fiorina’s Putin answer highlights Donald Trump’s detail deficit

But there’s no question that Trump still has to clear the nuclear-temperament bar with many Republican primary voters – and with some of the candidates who have pledged to endorse him for president if he’s the nominee.


Most of the candidates said they disagreed with the proposed nuclear deal with Iran. While Trump still maintained his previous position as the most searched candidate on Google, which he held prior to the debate as well.

When Greta Van Susteren asked her about the incident, Fiorina said, “I was quoting a friend of mine”. “I’m not sure how much ground he lost, but he certainly didn’t gain any”.

Wednesday’s candidates’ debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in California saw a number of Mr Trump’s rivals step up to expose his many deficiencies as a candidate.

“They’re taking every sentence I’ve said over the last five months – that was you know tough – and put it to the other people…” Ms. Fiorina, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, said Ms. Clinton “does not have a record of accomplishment“. Last night, she responded, “I think women all over this country heard very clearly what Mr. Trump said“.

Hannity asked: “Do you think there’s a bit of a double standard in terms of people make fun of you all the time?”

Front-runnER Donald Trump began the second Republican presidential debate with a bang, throwing barbs in all directions, but was quiet for long stretches as 10 fellow candidates for the 2016 presidential nomination bore down on serious
issues. “She’s very blunt, brief and strategic in what she says and she’s come across very strong. I kind of wonder if that’s the case”. “Social media can focus on some guy at the debate instead of the debate”.

5) CNN generally did a good job running its first debate of the campaign, with a couple of quibbles: Trump took up too much of the official time allotted, at least until he sat out the serious policy discussions. He battled especially with Fiorina and Bush, and though many feel Bush stood his ground against the frontrunner, Kondik thinks this is wishful thinking.


However, though Bennett’s post said Carson gained more Twitter followers than anyone, a spokesperson for the social media site reported that the biggest follower gains of the night were for Fiorina, Trump, and Bush.

US Republican debate brings outsider Carly Fiorina to the fore