
Carly Fiorina takes on criticism that she should’ve smiled more at debate

While Trump still maintained his previous position as the most searched candidate on Google, which he held prior to the debate as well.


Trump, in a rare concession, replied: “I think she’s got a handsome face, and I think she’s a attractive woman”.

Fiorina, the former Hewlett-Packard CEO who turned in a strong performance at Wednesday night’s debate, is now seen as the likely nominee by 41% of Republican voters, up from 16% in early May when she joined the race.

When Jake Tapper asked Trump what he’d do about Vladimir Putin’s aggressive moves in Syria, Trump said, “I would talk to him“. Many Republicans in Congress and on the presidential campaign trail are pushing for Planned Parenthood to be stripped of its $500 million in federal funding. “I think, hones-tly, it’s a gesture”, she said.

“I think that if Trump is to fall off, it has less to do with other candidates attacking him and more to do with him showing his own lack of depth on some of these issues”, Kondik said. “If this were a two-hour debate, it would have been a great debate”.

Rasmussen also found that Trump, the clear Republican frontrunner over the past three months, has suffered a slight fall in support. During Wednesday’s debate, though, he said she had a “beautiful face”. Thursday, she told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” she realized that going into the evening, “half the people watching had never heard my name and didn’t know I was running for president“.

GWEN IFILL: Each member of the 11-candidate field took turns trying to break through. Florida senator Marco Rubio suggested that on his or her first day in office the new president needed to be up to date on foreign policy, an apparent stab at Mr Trump.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, Republican Presidential Candidate: How many democrats did you have on your bill? All the other candidates were in single digits. “Every question had to do with me”. It shows significant momentum in search and social media for a candidate who only just barely made it into the prime-time debate – and didn’t make it to prime-time at all in the last debate in August. “To me, the moderators were doing Trump a tremendous service by making the debate a series of food fights between the candidates”.

Deliver us from these buffoons The hits misses and WTF moments in the second GOP debate