
Carson Addresses National Debt, Taxes at Liberty U

Historians call this lunacy.


Carson has cited the two claims several times in the past 27 years.

Carson called the public debt a crisis, and like Barack Obama and Thomas Jefferson have said, argued that passing public debt from the Treasury to future generations of Americans is “immoral”.

Carson’s communications manager Doug Watts told The Daily Beast that his candidate’s answer tonight was consistent with his previous statements. Hanging in the hallway of the retired neurosurgeon’s Maryland home is a portrait showing Jesus wrapping his arm around Carson. In the painting, Carson is larger than Jesus.

And so it may seem during these fine days in the charmed life of Ben Carson.

He admitted last week that he lied about earning a prestigious scholarship to West Point in a story from his 1996 autobiography, “Gifted Hands” and has been forced to defend himself against accusations that he lied about, or exaggerated, his violent outbursts as a child and teenager. Leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference asked Carson in April to abandon a speaking slot in front of the clergy group.

Carson was introduced by Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, though Falwell acknowledged that Carson needs little introduction.

When the candidates were asked whether they supported current efforts to raise the minimum wage, known collectively as the “Fight for 15”, Carson said he unequivocally would not endorse these efforts. “Thank you, Lord, for a man who understands that leadership begins at the feet of Jesus”.

“Their research teams are not very good”, Carson said over the phone. “So whose plan would God endorse then, doctor?” Carson promised, if elected president, to push Congress to make this a matter of national law. He said he had “no problem with being vetted”.

Thompson said that Carson related well to the student body as he spoke in Convocation, relaying a few of his background, including being raised in a single-parent household and struggles in school. “Every single day, every other day or every week, you know, they’re going to come out with, “Well, you said this when you were 13.’ And the whole point is to distract the populus, distract me”. “It requires a lot more faith than what I believe”, he said. So why is the emphasis on whether or not the story is true, as opposed to what he unapologetically says he did? “They know how religious he is and they give him the benefit of the doubt”, Vatz said.

“My advice would be Proverbs 3, 5, and 6. He will direct your path”. And Ben Carson was in the class, ‘” said Bakal, who noted he wasn’t actually present during the taking of the fake test. “We did a mock parody of the Yale Daily News during the exam period in January 1970, and in this parody we had a box that said: ‘So-and-so section of the exam has been lost in a fire.


Such humility inspired Carson to hang the portrait of him with Jesus – and to claim God’s endorsement Wednesday.

Ben Carson's Disqualifying Foreign Policy Incoherence