
Carson compares Syrian refugees to rabid, ‘mad’ dogs

Carson said regulations on businesses and the finance industry keep prices high and interest rates low, meaning the poor pay more for everyday goods and don’t get returns on interest collected from things like savings accounts. “Mr. Clarridge’s input to Dr. Carson is appreciated but he is clearly not one of Dr. Carson’s top advisors”, Carson’s campaign spokesman Doug Watts told Business Insider.


GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said on Thursday that he dreamed that the American people will stem the tide of political correctness that threatens the country’s values. And you are probably going to get your children out of the way.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations called out Carson for his comments while also addressing fellow Republican Donald Trump, who said he would consider a national database of Muslims in the USA or special identification cards for them.

Williams said The Times story had become a distraction this week as Carson has been getting questions about it on the campaign trail.

Since the ISIS is on the offensive right now, obliterating Christian minorities left and right and initiating terror attacks, Carson believes that America “must do more to counter their fighters and eviscerate their infrastructure”.

“Wow – I’m as compassionate as the next guy, but I don’t want to bring anyone from that part of the world who isn’t fully screened and vetted in a satisfactory way”, said Carson. Clarridge added that Carson needs weekly conference calls to brief him on foreign policy, so “we can make him smart”.

The bloody Paris attack a week ago has increased the focus on foreign-policy and national-security issues for the presidential field.

Though controversial, Carson is not entirely unpopular among African-American voters, as they hold him at an nearly 35 percent favorability rating, according to The Economist/YouGov survey in October.

Carson tried to publicly separate himself from Williams, a longtime adviser who appears frequently on television on Carson’s behalf.

In a “Fox News Sunday” interview, Carson was unable to name the foreign leader he would call first as he developed an ISIS strategy.

“Well the country is in desperate need of change”, said Rhonda Daniels.


While Obama administration officials have insisted there is no evidence of a Chinese presence in Syria, Carson and his campaign said that his statement was misinterpreted by the press.

Can Ben Carson help GOP attract Black voters?