
Carson heading home to Florida to get ‘a fresh set of clothes’

MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski confronted a Ted Cruz spokesman the day after the candidate won the Republican Iowa caucus, asking for an explanation for some of the campaign’s “dirty tricks”.


“The secular progressives are winning this fight”. Prominent conservative radio host Simon Conway told BuzzFeed News that Carson had skipped the interview without giving the show any notice. “The majority of Americans actually have common sense”.

Four in 10 say they’re angry. This wasn’t just an offhand excuse from Carson himself; it was the company line.

“Having just the opportunity to get in front of people and actually let them hear your heart and what you believe as opposed to being interpreted to people through the media”, said Carson, whose recent debate performances have been widely panned by media critics.

Trump says his mission in the presidential race is to “make America great again”.

“That’s how this business works”, he said.

Carson also spoke about his plan to bring ISIS under control, explaining he would expend “every resource we have to destroy them first”. “Too bad this information won’t get to all caucus goers”.

And his campaign knows it too. One of the precincts Candy (Carson, the candidate’s wife) walked into, she had to correct the record. Carson’s major staffers resigned, leaving the campaign in a bad shape just a month out from the Iowa caucuses.

“Verse after verse; Chapter after chapter; and I came to understanding as I prayed”, said Carson of his early steps into Christianity.

Reach Andy Davis at 319-887-5404 or at [email protected], and follow him on Twitter as @BylineAndyDavis.

Carson kicked off his bid for the White House in Detroit in May after being drafted by a grassroots group. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who is running second, will stump at a Piedmont high school on Tuesday, where he is expected to announce the endorsement from U.S. Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-Laurens.


Tagtow suggested the misinformation may have been an honest mistake, based on someone’s misinterpretation of an earlier report that Carson was taking some time off from campaigning after the caucuses. Trump is criticizing the Obama administrations foreign and trade policy, promising to command respect for the United States in the world. “His leadership and their commitment to building a strong ground game will provide the momentum needed to move forward to the next state contests, in New Hampshire, South Carolina – and beyond”.

US Republican hopeful Ben Carson spoke at the Oskaloosa First Assembly of God Church during the Sunday morning service