
Carson threatens to leave GOP

While the assembly of the GOP’s top brass did not focus on a contested convention, according to the Washington Post, talk did turn to what would happen if no candidate received enough delegates to win the nomination.


“I pray that the report in the Post this morning was incorrect”, he said in the Friday statement.

Most Republican voters said they were not bothered by Mr. Trumps remarks, 29% of Republicans, who will pick the party’s nominee for the November 2016 election, said they found his remarks offensive Vs 64% who did not.

“So whatever it’s that makes that more likely to occur, I am for it. I don’t know if it is a brokered convention or not”, Chabot told The Hill.

Washington (CNN)After Ben Carson bashed swirling reports of Republican Party officials discussing the possibility of a brokered convention, Donald Trump wrote him a note to thank him for his “excellent” point.

What is that? Well basically, if a nominee isn’t chosen in the first round of voting at the convention where the party’s presidential nominee is formally named, delegates are allowed to change their minds on the candidate they’re backing and vote for whichever candidate they want instead of the candidate they’re supposed to be backing based on the primary elections in the various states.

You may recall GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump signing a loyalty oath to the Republican Party back in September, pledging to support the eventual GOP nominee and to not run as an independent. “He acknowledged that Carson, like Trump and the rest of Republican field, signed a pledge not to launch a third-party bid”, The Chicago Tribune reported.

“The pledge isn’t meaningless”, Watts said.

Despite that, Trump is once again taunting the GOP with the threat of a third-party run. If the powerful try to manipulate it, the Republican National Convention in Cleveland next summer may be the last convention.

There are many within the RNC leadership that are opposed to Trump’s controversial statements and the fear that he could cause lasting damage to the Republican Party.

While Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) and Priebes were fairly quiet throughout the discussion, they did agree that the party needed to be prepared for a deadlocked convention.

Any third-party or independent candidate would be a longshot to win the presidency. To combat the Trump threat, the possibility of a “brokered convention” could take place with a push for delegates to chose an alternative other than Trump. “A lot of people are exhausted of it – although they still a lot of times don’t realize they’re being manipulated, and we just have to fight this”.


Meanwhile, the clock is already ticking for those considering leaving the GOP. However, several states have deadlines in March if the candidate forms a minor party, which can sometimes require fewer signatures to get on the ballot.

Congressman Reid Ribble farm interview 09152015