
Carson Tries to Move on From Questions but GOP Debate Looms

He strongly disputed any dishonesty or wrongdoing.


“My prediction is that all of you guys trying to pile on is actually going to help me, because, when I go out to these book signings and I see these thousands of people, they say, ‘Don’t let the media get you down”.

The topsy-turvy spectacle has been nothing short of freakish: Ben Carson insisting he was an angry teenager who once tried to stab someone, while a media organization says he was a nice kid. “POLITICO as you know, told a bold-faced lie”.

Trump had led in nine South Carolina polls since late July.

The numbers are a shift from Monmouth’s last South Carolina poll in late August, where Trump doubled Carson, 30% to 15%.

On several news shows, he mentioned examples from Carson’s autobiography, “Gifted Hands”, about Carson’s bad temper when he was young. The conflicting recollections of Carson and his acquaintances in his childhood and Yale days are peculiar. Anderson adds: “I mean, he’s a brain surgeon, he’ll figure it out”. “But…they’re tough stories”, Trump said.

The irony is that Carson’s quiet dignity and low-key temperament are a major source of his appeal.

Appearing, by phone, on Face the Nation, NBC’s Meet the Press and CNN’s State of the Union, Trump mischievously said he wished Carson well and then picked apart his stories. “To question whether he has the moral character, I don’t question that”. “I didn’t intend to, you know, tell something that wasn’t true. I think that he will handle things as well as anyone an insider or another outsider, like Donald Trump”, says supporter Michael McIlroy. Obama’s citizenship was questioned, including by Trump, and the president later released a birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii. Clinton’s marital dalliances were probed during his 1992 campaign.

Prior to the book tour in South Florida, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon was baffled by questions from Miami Herald reporters about the wet-foot, dry-foot policy. Gary Hart’s townhouse in 1987 and caught him in an extramarital affair.

The show’s host John Dickerson reminded the presidential contender that Democratic candidates, including then-Senator Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, were scrutinized by journalists as well.

As Carson fights media questioning, the situation came about due to his wording of how he was offered a “full scholarship” to West Point.

The following is an editorial from Politicususa co-publisher Sarah Jones. “I’m not a politician, so you know, you’re not going to find me acting like a politician”. Sunday, he went on the attack, blasting the media for covering that story and others.

In retelling the stabbing story, Carson has usually described his near-victim as his friend named “Bob”. Instead, they are said to earn appointments to the military academy, which come with tuition, room and board and expenses paid, in exchange for five years of service in the Army after graduation. Carson never applied for admission.

We won’t know until the FEC filing deadline if the numbers pan out, of if they’re just pledges, but Carson’s “media woes” seem to have become his biggest asset, both helping him rake in the cash and blotting out a few of his weird opinions on history from the past week.


Despite the rising number of speculations over Ben Carson’s biographical accounts, his campaign is adamant that the Republican frontrunner did not falsify any of the stories in his autobiography.

Ben Carson admits to fabricating West Point admission story