
Carter Calls for US ‘Boots On The Ground’ in IS Fight

The allies are also increasingly targeting the airwaves, where they are losing the propaganda war.


Defense Secretary Ash Carter was in Paris on Wednesday to meet with allied defense ministers about the anti-ISIS mission.

The Iraqis will need “several more brigades” for a Mosul operation, Warren said.

The effort includes talking up military victories in Iraq and Syria, and countering jihadi messaging that can recruit or inspire followers around the world.

The United States, sometimes referred to as the world’s policeman, frequently stresses the importance of partnering with other nations in its military interventions. That stretch remains a crossing point for Islamic State fighters, black-market smugglers and war material.

“We have to eliminate their ability to exploit the Internet”, said Carter, “which is supposed to be a tool of civilization, of human communication, human understanding, human commerce, and not be used as an instrument for evil”.

Carter said the USA would remain focused on advising and assisting Iraqi and Syrian Arab forces to retake and hold territory from Daesh. They are helping us fight ISIL by for example hosting our aircraft in Turkey, I’m grateful for that.

“You have Republicans committed to taking a much stronger role, without explaining what that will be, and an administration that talks about removing troops and then puts in more forces”, Dr. Cordesman says.

21, coalition military forces continued to attack ISIL terrorists in Syria and Iraq.

“Turkey is a long-time friend of ours”, he said during a question-and-answer session in Davos.

“One month of training in the eyes of the Iraqis made a significant difference… and they are very eager to get additional assistance in the training of the police forces”, the official said. Every time there are unilateral assertions of power, said Shanmugaratnam, “we have to shine a light on it and insist on these matters being taken to global courts”.

In Iraq’s western province of Anbar, three suicide bombers drove their booby-trapped vehicles into bases of Iraqi federal police and detonated them in Kilo 70 area in west of the provincial capital city of Ramadi, some 110 km west of Baghdad, leaving some 43 policemen killed and destroying five police vehicles, a provincial security source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

“We are on track, we are doing serious damage to Daesh on Friday. But it also takes place in our households, where minds that are the most easily influenced are seduced and enrolled by the propaganda of Daesh”.


In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris in November that left 130 dead, France and Britain joined efforts in Syria.

Military chiefs gather in Paris to bolster Daesh fight