
Cartoons: Sanders and Clinton a united front?

Last week, FBI Director James Comey announced no criminal charges were recommended against Clinton, a determination the Clinton team celebrated as a legal victory. Although it is just a slight bump.


The share of prospective voters who have a positive view of Clinton has also dropped from 33 percent to 28 percent, according to the poll.

In the New York Times, one writer explores why it could be that there are so many college-educated white men stumping for Trump.

Sixty-seven percent of respondents said Clinton wasn’t honest and trustworthy, up from 62% in June.

“She was very clear about infrastructure and education in schools, dealing with student debt, having a strong country so we can be a strong foreign player”, said Helen Manich, an Alexandria resident. Mayor Fetterman, alongside local Democratic Party officials and candidates, longtime Clinton supporters and Sanders supporters, rallied at the Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers building on the South Side to support Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. Also, fewer now say she is prepared for the job of president than did so last month – although half still say she is. Their last poll was taken in March however. This is head to head polling. In Ohio, the candidates were tied at 41 percent.

Trump now has the support of 80% of Republicans and 13% of Democrats. Trumptease Kaine goes on attack against Trump Clinton gets in on Pokemon Go craze MORE (D-Va.). The same survey showed the candidates tied in OH and virtually tied in Pennsylvania. -Mexican border and 52 percent coming down against temporarily banning the entry of Muslims from the United States.

Poll after poll shows more and more voters disappointed with both Clinton and Trump, so much so they just don’t want to vote at all on Election Day.

Trump’s proposals, said Clinton, would deport 16 million immigrants now living in the United States, cost the country around $1 trillion in economic output and weaken a fundamental American value. The survey found that 87% of religious nones who backed Sanders said that they will vote Clinton over Trump.

In Pennsylvania, Clinton, 45%, leads Trump, 36%, by 9 points in the hunt for the state’s 20 electoral votes. In April, she led by ten points. “Hell or high water”, said Elizabeth Pope, voter.


According to CNN’s Poll of Polls analysis using five recent surveys, Clinton still holds an edge over Trump, but it’s down from a 7 point lead in the Poll of Polls about a week ago to 4 points now.

Danae Columbus: Will Trump overtake Clinton in post-convention polls?