Nevada governor unveils $335 million deal to draw carmaker

Nevada governor unveils $335 million deal to draw carmaker

North Las Vegas has been courting Faraday for its Apex Industrial Park, a 2,000-acre patch…

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CEO revamps company, gives birth

CEO revamps company, gives birth

A live webcast of the conference call can be accessed through the company’s Investor Relations…

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Volkswagen does not believe its Indian cars have ‘defeat device’

Volkswagen does not believe its Indian cars have ‘defeat device’

On Tuesday, the Mumbai-headquartered Volkswagen Group India said that approximately 323,700 cars of Volkswagen, Skoda…

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BoE may hike bank rates in Q2 2016

BoE may hike bank rates in Q2 2016

It noted that the strength of the pound had dropped in response to the European…

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OPEC’s monthly roundup puts the boot into oil prices again

OPEC’s monthly roundup puts the boot into oil prices again

Elsewhere in the report, OPEC downsized its non-OPEC 2016 output estimates to an average of…

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Wal-Mart Introduces Walmart Pay

Wal-Mart Introduces Walmart Pay

Walmart on Thursday introduced its own payment solution ‘Walmart Pay’, compatible with any iOS or…

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Will take months to study damage left by burst dam

Will take months to study damage left by burst dam

Standard & Poor’s cut Brazilian miner Samarco Mineracao SA’s debt rating further into speculative territory…

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Muted oil prices, wage growth holding United Kingdom inflation at bay

Muted oil prices, wage growth holding United Kingdom inflation at bay

The addition of 211,000 jobs likely paves the way for a rate hike later this…

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Faraday Future to Build $1B Plant in Nevada

Faraday Future to Build $1B Plant in Nevada

The proposed incentives are more modest than those approved a year ago to attract Tesla…

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US Oil Falls Below $36 a Barrel

US Oil Falls Below $36 a Barrel

USA output growth has began to shrink and low oil prices have spurred demand but…

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