Control rod power loss spurs Indian Point reactor shutdown

Control rod power loss spurs Indian Point reactor shutdown

Cuomo’s statement says the company operating the site reports that there was no radioactivity released…

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Fuel prices plunge ahead of Christmas period

Fuel prices plunge ahead of Christmas period

Andy Peake, Asda’s senior petrol director said: “We’re giving drivers an early Christmas present as…

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Firms Trim Ad Spending Growth Forecasts for 2016

Firms Trim Ad Spending Growth Forecasts for 2016

India: this year +16.3%, Next Year +18.4% . That figure, however, does show slightly sluggish…

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Apple suspends effort to develop online TV service

Apple suspends effort to develop online TV service

Speaking at the UBS Global Media conference, Moonves said: “Because the scatter market in the…

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Boeing rolls out first 737 MAX 8

Boeing rolls out first 737 MAX 8

According to various United States reports Boeing is about to unveil the first of its…

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No extra enrollment time for Obamacare

No extra enrollment time for Obamacare

Shopping around during the Obamacare open enrollment period for 2016 under the Affordable Care Act…

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Yahoo will not spin off Alibaba stake, weighs core business sale

Yahoo will not spin off Alibaba stake, weighs core business sale

Yahoo is suspending plans to spin off its investment in Chinese firm Alibaba and is…

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Hosts take steps to limit carbon footprint of Paris talks
Oil price hits fresh post 2009 lows as glut grows

Oil price hits fresh post 2009 lows as glut grows

Brent North Sea crude for delivery in January slid as low as $39.81 a barrel…

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Sheriff Encourages ‘Good’ Guys to Stop ‘Bad’ Guys With Guns

Sheriff Encourages ‘Good’ Guys to Stop ‘Bad’ Guys With Guns

Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey appeared in a video that calls on armed citizens to…

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