Guidewire Software Inc (GWRE) Issues Earnings Results

Guidewire Software Inc (GWRE) Issues Earnings Results

Trump Defends Iraq War Claim Under Fresh Democratic Criticism

Trump Defends Iraq War Claim Under Fresh Democratic Criticism

As Hillary Clinton was leaving the podium following a brief statement and answering a few…

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Right place, right time for U.S. Silica, Credit Suisse says

Right place, right time for U.S. Silica, Credit Suisse says

Vetr downgraded shares of U.S. Silica Holdings from a strong-buy rating to a buy rating…

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Gary Johnson swings and misses on Syria, asking ‘What is Aleppo?’
Facebook’s Trending Topics served up a 9/11 conspiracy theory

Facebook’s Trending Topics served up a 9/11 conspiracy theory

After Facebook’s Trending column highlighted a conspiracy theory on Friday that claimed the Twin Towers…

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Canada Post and union reach agreement

Canada Post and union reach agreement

Labour Minister MaryAnn Mihychuk announced the deal, saying the agreements were reached “voluntarily”.

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Case stronger now for interest rate hike: US Federal Reserve
Twitter offers 70% revenue share to video creators

Twitter offers 70% revenue share to video creators

Tesla Says Car in Netherlands Not on Autopilot at Time of Crash

Tesla Says Car in Netherlands Not on Autopilot at Time of Crash

Tesla said the driver – who was killed in the accident – was in control…

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Teenagers could steal limelight in Manchester derby

Teenagers could steal limelight in Manchester derby