This prank would be the most hilarious prank of the Christmas week

This prank would be the most hilarious prank of the Christmas week

Unwrapping gifts must be the best part of Christmas for the kids specially – but…

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Girl of four tries to design a dolphin on wheels but it looks like something else

Girl of four tries to design a dolphin on wheels but it looks like something else


Man called Jack Daniels given a name Jim Beam to his newborn

Man called Jack Daniels given a name Jim Beam to his newborn

It was really funny when a man who itself called Jack Daniels decided to give…

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Woman was near to die because of Facebook

Woman was near to die because of Facebook

A woman was so busy on Facebook that she could not even realize that where…

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Three people got banned from the library as they were too smelly

Three people got banned from the library as they were too smelly

Three people got banned from the Europe’s biggest library in Birmingham as they were too much…

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Man caught for stealing and storing woman’s clothes

Man caught for stealing and storing woman’s clothes

A man was caught when the ceiling suddenly got broke off and the large number…

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Adolf Hitler look alike takes $60 from the people for a photograph

Adolf Hitler look alike takes $60 from the people for a photograph

OMG, is it Adolf Hitler – everyone must say after seeing the Hitler look alike.…

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Woman called emergency services after seeing an injured parrot – but it turned out as a Christmas hat

Woman called emergency services after seeing an injured parrot – but it turned out as a Christmas hat

Woman called the emergency services for help after seeing a injured parrot – but later…

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Man wanted some fresh air opened the emergency gate of the plane

Man wanted some fresh air opened the emergency gate of the plane

It was really very bizarre incident in which a man opened the emergency gate of…

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Now this is called a technical ‘resignation’

Now this is called a technical ‘resignation’

A game developer thought of quitting the job in some different but technical manner –…

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