A Brazilian fan died of heart attack while watching FIFA world cup

A Brazilian fan died of heart attack while watching FIFA world cup

A Brazilian fan lost his life because of heart attack when his favorite country team…

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Cow was killed by the motorist after the animal fallen asleep on race track

Cow was killed by the motorist after the animal fallen asleep on race track


Man walked into McDonald after being stabbed at his back

Man walked into McDonald after being stabbed at his back

A man was spotted entering into the fast food restaurant in New York with a…

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A clinic has been opened for those fans who fell ill during this world cup

A clinic has been opened for those fans who fell ill during this world cup

A clinic has been opened in china specially to treat those fans who fell ill…

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Firefighters helped to free up a cute dog from the car-wheel-hub

Firefighters helped to free up a cute dog from the car-wheel-hub


Meet this unusual dog who walks like gorilla and jumps like a frog

Meet this unusual dog who walks like gorilla and jumps like a frog

Man got bitten by an alligator after his attempt of moving the reptile from the road

Man got bitten by an alligator after his attempt of moving the reptile from the road

A daredevil man with his two friends tried to move the alligator who was blocking…

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Patient’s hernia grown to size of football after the hospital made a mistake

Patient’s hernia grown to size of football after the hospital made a mistake

A patient whose hernia grown to size of football after his name from the waiting…

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A wrestler who has power in only one hand, became world champion, almost

A wrestler who has power in only one hand, became world champion, almost

There are more than 7000 e-cigarettes flavors in the market

There are more than 7000 e-cigarettes flavors in the market

In a recent research, it has been released that there are more than 7000 e-cigarettes…

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