The miracle Baby born in Chinese hospital with four additional arms and legs

The miracle Baby born in Chinese hospital with four additional arms and legs

A baby was born on the starting of this month in Chinese hospital with additional…

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Woman who had fear of eating anything except ‘chips’, finally ate her first complete meal

Woman who had fear of eating anything except ‘chips’, finally ate her first complete meal

A woman aged twenty had fear of eating anything except the ‘chips’ since she was…

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Chinese man placed a jar of fresh air in an auction for $836

Chinese man placed a jar of fresh air in an auction for $836

Teenager who shaved her head for cancer charity can’t attend classes in school without wig

Teenager who shaved her head for cancer charity can’t attend classes in school without wig

The eight year old bodybuilder’s image went viral on social media

The eight year old bodybuilder’s image went viral on social media

An eight year old kid, Brandon Blake, from Ireland, has built his body through gymnastics.…

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Two year old boy saved his mum’s life by calling emergency services

Two year old boy saved his mum’s life by calling emergency services

Emergency services got a call from a baby saying “Mummy’s on the floor”, they took…

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Japanese man woke up and found himself on railway track with one leg missing

Japanese man woke up and found himself on railway track with one leg missing

A Japanese worker after a night out with his colleagues, waiting for his train, suddenly…

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Man chopped off his own hand and now threatening to do again

Man chopped off his own hand and now threatening to do again

A man chopped off his own hand with homemade guillotine to get some relief from…

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A criminal has been freed from the jail because of his height

A criminal has been freed from the jail because of his height

Woman bursts into tears after seeing the dairy product cheese

Woman bursts into tears after seeing the dairy product cheese

A woman whose name is Melissa has a weird phobia of fearing the dairy product…

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