House passes bill to block Syrian refugees, require more vetting

House passes bill to block Syrian refugees, require more vetting

The vice president defended the position of the US government, which is committed to opening…

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Espresso Lowers Dying Danger, Says Research of Knowledge Over 2 Many years

Espresso Lowers Dying Danger, Says Research of Knowledge Over 2 Many years

And we found that people who drink moderate amounts of coffee have lower risk of…

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Ohio E. coli case linked to Chipotle

Ohio E. coli case linked to Chipotle

Only one case has been reported in OH, the CDC said. Chipotle said affected individuals…

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Coli Outbreak Linked to Chipotle Expands to Six States

Coli Outbreak Linked to Chipotle Expands to Six States

“The epidemiologic evidence available at this time suggests that a common meal item or ingredient…

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Crisis talks ahead of doctors’ strike

Crisis talks ahead of doctors’ strike

The BMA is now planning three days of action in December including two full walkouts…

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Funeral services held in Ky. for murdered 7-year old

Funeral services held in Ky. for murdered 7-year old

A man has been arrested over the murder and rape of a seven-year-old girl whose…

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Eagles of Death Metal documentary pulled from Amsterdam festival after Paris

Eagles of Death Metal documentary pulled from Amsterdam festival after Paris

A documentary about the Eagles of Death Metal has been pulled from the program of…

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Genetically modified salmon approved by FDA

Genetically modified salmon approved by FDA

The NY Times reports AquaBounty GMO salmon “contains a growth hormone gene from Chinook salmon…

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Having parasites can boost fertility

Having parasites can boost fertility

A study has suggested that lifetime of Ascaris lumbricoides, which is a type of roundworm,…

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Ebola Is Back in Liberia

Ebola Is Back in Liberia

But he stresses that the transmission route, particularly in the case of this 10- year-old…

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