Hostages taken in shooting attack at Radisson hotel in Mali

Hostages taken in shooting attack at Radisson hotel in Mali

Dozens of hostages managed to escape the early morning raid, but 138 people were trapped…

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Coli case linked to Chipotle restaurant

Coli case linked to Chipotle restaurant

The outbreak expanded with new cases being reported from OH, California, Minnesota and NY, and…

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FDA approves genetically engineered salmon

FDA approves genetically engineered salmon

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced in a press release that they…

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FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Salmon for Consumption, Labeling Not Required

FDA Approves Genetically Engineered Salmon for Consumption, Labeling Not Required

The FDA says there are no biologically relevant differences in the nutritional profile of the…

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FDA Clears Genetically Engineered Fish to Eat

FDA Clears Genetically Engineered Fish to Eat

AquAdvantage contains genes from Chinook salmon and another fish called an ocean pout that allow…

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Genetically Modified Salmon OK’d For Human Consumption In US

Genetically Modified Salmon OK’d For Human Consumption In US

This allows farmers to raise the fish to be ready for consumption in half the…

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Colbert Rips Anti-Refugee Trump

Colbert Rips Anti-Refugee Trump

“It’s all anybody in Washington, on the campaign trail, or on the TV box is…

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Syrian refugees need our help

Syrian refugees need our help

The leading cheerleader of this thinking is Donald Trump, grandson of immigrants, and he brought…

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Study Says Men Overeat to Show Off to the Ladies

Study Says Men Overeat to Show Off to the Ladies

Well it turns out guys have the opposite problem: They eat more when there’s a…

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Life for the killer of AP’s son

Life for the killer of AP’s son

In September, Patterson was found guilty of killing Tyrese Ruffin, the son of Ashley Doohen…

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