Divorced couple’s frozen embryos must be ‘thawed and discarded,’ judge rules

Divorced couple’s frozen embryos must be ‘thawed and discarded,’ judge rules

A San Francisco woman Wednesday was denied custody of embryos she created with her estranged…

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Brain Differences May Explain Why a few With Schizophrenia Hallucinate

Brain Differences May Explain Why a few With Schizophrenia Hallucinate

Turning this measurement around, the team calculated that a 1cm decrease in the length of…

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Having 300+ Facebook friends may increase teenager’s stress hormones says study

Having 300+ Facebook friends may increase teenager’s stress hormones says study

New study found having over 300 friends on Facebook cause stress in teenagers.

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‘Disturbing’ risk of global superbug outbreak as scientists find new drug

‘Disturbing’ risk of global superbug outbreak as scientists find new drug

The world is drawing closer to a “post-antibiotic era” after bacteria resistant to last-resort drugs…

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FDA Approves Nasal Spray that Reverses Opiod Overdose

FDA Approves Nasal Spray that Reverses Opiod Overdose

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have today approved Narcan nasal spray, a life-saving…

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Light therapy pegged as an effective treatment for non-seasonal depression

Light therapy pegged as an effective treatment for non-seasonal depression

The researchers said enough clinical evidence now supports mental health professionals recommending light therapy as…

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Pigeons ‘as good as humans’ at spotting cancer signs

Pigeons ‘as good as humans’ at spotting cancer signs

It may sound a bird-brained idea but scientists believe pigeons could be used as cancer-screening…

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No More Research Chimpanzees, Says NIH

No More Research Chimpanzees, Says NIH

“I think this is the natural next step of what has been a very thoughtful…

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Butler, Bulls hold on for 96-95 win over Pacers

Butler, Bulls hold on for 96-95 win over Pacers

Kelly Clarkson Gets ‘IVs & Fluids’ To Combat Pregnancy Sickness

Kelly Clarkson Gets ‘IVs & Fluids’ To Combat Pregnancy Sickness