Battlefield Mall will again open on Thanksgiving; here’s when major retailers

Battlefield Mall will again open on Thanksgiving; here’s when major retailers

Still, every day this week there were new names on the list of retailers that…

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Albertville honors vets with Veterans Day ceremony

Albertville honors vets with Veterans Day ceremony

Mayor Tom Barrett, Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn, and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clark were…

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Extremist `Jihadi John’ Targeted in U.S. Airstrike in Syria

Extremist `Jihadi John’ Targeted in U.S. Airstrike in Syria

The Pentagon on Friday was assessing the aftermath of a USA drone strike into Syria…

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Beta-lactam antibiotics can make MRSA infection worse

Beta-lactam antibiotics can make MRSA infection worse

There is a high proportion of antibiotic resistance in bacteria that cause common infections. A…

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The Vampire Diaries brings the insane with a wild plot twist

The Vampire Diaries brings the insane with a wild plot twist

Julian tells Lily that she is unrecognizable and he doesn’t see the woman he fell…

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HK experts warn diabetes patients of higher pancreatic cancer risk

HK experts warn diabetes patients of higher pancreatic cancer risk

Just over 700 people took part in the 3rd Annual Pancreatic Cancer Vigil and Walk…

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World Diabetes Day creates awareness

World Diabetes Day creates awareness

The theme for this year’s World Diabetes Day on 14th November is “Healthy Living and…

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Facebook Notify Fills your Lock Screen with News

Facebook Notify Fills your Lock Screen with News

Yesterday, Facebook announced the release of Notify south of the border, a new app from…

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‘Fat sister’ title made Khloe Kardashian ‘stronger’

‘Fat sister’ title made Khloe Kardashian ‘stronger’

CDC: Child Autism Rate Now 1 in 45 After Survey Method Changes

CDC: Child Autism Rate Now 1 in 45 After Survey Method Changes

In response to the changes, it appears parents who in the past would have reported…

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