Scariest Movies Ever for Halloween 2015

Scariest Movies Ever for Halloween 2015

VW investigating whether more cars have trick software

VW investigating whether more cars have trick software

Last month the automaker identified the up to 11 million vehicles as eing the ones…

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The Nebraska Cornhuskers v

The Nebraska Cornhuskers v

Nebraska, which has five losses before November for only the second time in 58 years,…

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IPad Pro to go on sale on November 11

IPad Pro to go on sale on November 11

Apple expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the…

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USA allows jailbreaking of tablets, smart TVs

USA allows jailbreaking of tablets, smart TVs

The new rule will allow people to modify automobile software for purposes of research, maintenance,…

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IPhone-like apps on a big screen

IPhone-like apps on a big screen

Following the launch of Reuters TV for iPhone and iPad earlier this year, Reuters TV…

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Facebook testing marketplace model with Local Market

Facebook testing marketplace model with Local Market

High tides to affect beaches, coastal areas in South Carolina this week

High tides to affect beaches, coastal areas in South Carolina this week

High tides have prompted a coastal flooding advisory affecting several beaches throughout Southern California.

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Ambrose Heel Turn, Divas on Superstars, Reigns a Royal Rumble victor

Ambrose Heel Turn, Divas on Superstars, Reigns a Royal Rumble victor

Shaker Aamer may ‘bring legal proceedings’ against British Government

Shaker Aamer may ‘bring legal proceedings’ against British Government

The last British resident detained at Guantanamo Bay, who was released late Thursday after more…

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