Facebook Makes Phones Obsolete With Message Requests

Facebook Makes Phones Obsolete With Message Requests

Facebook is hoping Message Requests will fill a similar role to the Other inbox, but…

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IPlayer app heading for Apple TV, says Hall

IPlayer app heading for Apple TV, says Hall

All of this supports the introduction of tvOS, an SDK that opens up Apple TV…

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GTA Online Halloween Update Bringing Hearses, Masks and Mode

GTA Online Halloween Update Bringing Hearses, Masks and Mode

Rockstar Games has confirmed that these Halloween themed cars, face paints and masks will be…

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Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Expands, Reaches Near-Record Size

Ozone Hole Over Antarctica Expands, Reaches Near-Record Size

The Antarctic ozone hole has swelled this month to one of its biggest sizes on…

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Puffins Facing Extinction Due to Overfishing and Pollution

Puffins Facing Extinction Due to Overfishing and Pollution

Atlantic Puffins and European Turtle Doves are amongst the species that have been named as…

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Panthers Def/Spec Team: Carolina D/ST to host Indianapolis

Panthers Def/Spec Team: Carolina D/ST to host Indianapolis

But something went off the rails. In 22 games with Smith at the helm, Tampa…

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Disk of quite young stars found in Milky Way’s central bulge

Disk of quite young stars found in Milky Way’s central bulge

Using data pulled in by the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea Survey (VVV) from…

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The Weather Channel App Gets Dynamic Home Screen, Morning Show, 15 Day

The Weather Channel App Gets Dynamic Home Screen, Morning Show, 15 Day

The Weather Co. acquisition extends a bet that so-called cognitive computing by IBM’s Watson division,…

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IDC’s Q3 smartphone numbers confirm Samsung’s big quarter

IDC’s Q3 smartphone numbers confirm Samsung’s big quarter

Samsung is still the world’s largest smartphone manufacturer but overall shipments from all manufacturers during…

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Lionsgate’s Power Rangers Gets Official Title, Teyana Jones Completes Line-Up

Lionsgate’s Power Rangers Gets Official Title, Teyana Jones Completes Line-Up

We’ve got the first look at the new Power Rangers who will feature in the…

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