Earth may be much older than we thought, scientists say

Earth may be much older than we thought, scientists say

She does admit, however, that the finding isn’t enough to glean too much about early…

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NASA tracking Halloween asteroid 2015 TB145

NASA tracking Halloween asteroid 2015 TB145

The discovery was made by the University of Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS-1 (Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid…

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China’s Growth Rate Fell below 7% in September

China’s Growth Rate Fell below 7% in September

“As growth slows and risk of deflation heightens, we reiterate that China needs to cut…

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Popcorn Time Down for Good? Online Pirating Service Posts Potential “Last” Status

Popcorn Time Down for Good? Online Pirating Service Posts Potential “Last” Status

One of the two biggest versions of the illegal streaming service,, was reportedly shut…

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MTN’s shares drop as NCC slams firm with N1.4t fine

MTN’s shares drop as NCC slams firm with N1.4t fine

A senior official of the company said it was in talks with the regulator over…

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Yahoo misses earnings, reports operational loss for Q3

Yahoo misses earnings, reports operational loss for Q3

For the third quarter, Yahoo reported revenue of US$1.23 billion, compared with US$1.15 billion in…

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Alberta finance minister has work boots for budget

Alberta finance minister has work boots for budget

Notley said the budget would also focus on plans to diversify Alberta’s economy and create…

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The new Apple TV is available to pre-order from £129

The new Apple TV is available to pre-order from £129

If you were haunted by the same thoughts, it’s time to breathe a sigh of…

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Does Enceladus support life? 7 key facts

Does Enceladus support life? 7 key facts

Stay tuned later this week for a few potentially incredible science from the outer solar…

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New Imagery of Pluto’s Moon Kerberos

New Imagery of Pluto’s Moon Kerberos

And the blurry image came with a surprise. Scientists think that the unusual shape of…

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