Workers Uncover Jefferson-Era Chemistry Lab On University Of Virginia Campus

Workers Uncover Jefferson-Era Chemistry Lab On University Of Virginia Campus

The chemical hearth had been sealed in one of the lower-floor walls of the Rotunda…

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ASU – Carey Announces 120 Full-Tuition MBA Scholarships

ASU – Carey Announces 120 Full-Tuition MBA Scholarships

Most graduates of the full-time program go into technology, manufacturing and finance, according to the…

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Destiny King’s Fall hard mode release date, light level

Destiny King’s Fall hard mode release date, light level

Bungie is recommending that the hard mode for King’s Fall should be taken on by…

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Adobe and Dropbox Partner to Streamline Work with Documents

Adobe and Dropbox Partner to Streamline Work with Documents

Adobe Document Cloud and Acrobat Reader users can now access and take common actions on…

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TSMC cuts chip equipment plans

TSMC cuts chip equipment plans

Net income fell 1.3% year on year to 75.33 billion New Taiwan dollars ($2.34 billion),…

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Public hearing today on GOP plan to replace GAB

Public hearing today on GOP plan to replace GAB

The GOP is seething over the GAB’s handling of John Doe investigations into whether Gov.…

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VW to recall 8.5 million cars following diesel emissions scandal

VW to recall 8.5 million cars following diesel emissions scandal

Volkswagen AG’s market share in Europe slipped to its lowest levels in six months as…

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NASA’s Cassini spacecraft begins its final tour around Saturn’s large, icy moons

NASA’s Cassini spacecraft begins its final tour around Saturn’s large, icy moons

NASA announced that its Saturn spacecraft, Cassini, has begun its series of close flybys of…

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Mets Rumors: Only one NLCS start for Matt Harvey?

Mets Rumors: Only one NLCS start for Matt Harvey?

Murphy stole an uncovered third base and went on to score the tying run, then…

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Apple’s iPhone 7 could use Intel chips

Apple’s iPhone 7 could use Intel chips

The report says Intel now has 1,000 people dedicated to working on this project that…

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