Dropbox Paper launched as set of collaborative tools for teams

Dropbox Paper launched as set of collaborative tools for teams

The company hadn’t revealed much about the service then but today, the tool has been…

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CHP to offer teen driving class Monday

CHP to offer teen driving class Monday

Whether it’s inexperience, risky behavior or other factors, teen drivers tend to a have higher…

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Pepsi Is Launching Smartphones In China

Pepsi Is Launching Smartphones In China

Ultimately it’s all about product differentiation in a crowded Android marketplace; as of August there…

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VW Recalls 8.5 Million Vehicles in Europe

VW Recalls 8.5 Million Vehicles in Europe

The deadline from the German government puts the automaker under pressure to come up with…

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New Spacex Falcon 9 rocket should launch in 6 to 8 weeks

New Spacex Falcon 9 rocket should launch in 6 to 8 weeks

The Orbcomm mission will enable SpaceX to “further validate the second-stage relight system” for launch…

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Solar Dynamics Observatory spots giant hole in the sun

Solar Dynamics Observatory spots giant hole in the sun

The wind stream comes from the hole itself, which is an outstanding 50 Earths in…

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Germany mandates recall of VW cars with deceptive software

Germany mandates recall of VW cars with deceptive software

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which has jurisdiction over compliance with emission standards, said it…

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Barclays eyes ex-JPMorgan banker for CEO opening

Barclays eyes ex-JPMorgan banker for CEO opening

Mr. Staley was close to being named chief executive, but Barclays balked at the public…

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Ben Carson’s Book Tour Threatens to End Civilization As We Know It

Ben Carson’s Book Tour Threatens to End Civilization As We Know It

The question from Carson’s fan base was obvious, “Why aren’t you taking Ben Carson’s presidential…

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Johnny Manziel pulled over following domestic dispute, admitted to drinking

Johnny Manziel pulled over following domestic dispute, admitted to drinking

The other shocker? Manziel and Crowley had been drinking before the incident – a promising…

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