Earth Recovers in 40 Years from Day After Tomorrow Scenario

Earth Recovers in 40 Years from Day After Tomorrow Scenario

A researcher has found that the scenario presented in the climate disaster movie, The Day…

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Acer announces new all-in-one Windows 10 PC with built-in battery

Acer announces new all-in-one Windows 10 PC with built-in battery

Last week Microsoft paved the way for Windows 10 with a new tablet, a laptop…

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Were Dinosaurs Warm Blooded? New Tech Sheds Light on Debate

Were Dinosaurs Warm Blooded? New Tech Sheds Light on Debate

He and his colleagues analyzed the chemical makeup of ancient eggshells, using a technique previously…

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Vodafone now covers 22m properties with 76Mbps broadband

Vodafone now covers 22m properties with 76Mbps broadband

Vodafone is making its fixed broadband service available to the entire of the United Kingdom…

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Ferrari to Be Valued at Up to $9.82 Billion in IPO

Ferrari to Be Valued at Up to $9.82 Billion in IPO

The sale will consist of 17.2-M shares of Dutch holding company Ferrari NV at 48…

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Line adds end-to-end encryption

Line adds end-to-end encryption

Florida woman charged after streaming drink driving

Florida woman charged after streaming drink driving

On the video, Whitney Beall can be heard saying, “I am really drunk… pfff”.

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Anti-Muslim protester in United States won over by hugs

Anti-Muslim protester in United States won over by hugs

After a long conversation, during which the Muslims argued that extremists should not be portrayed…

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Android Marshmallow factory images are live for Nexus devices

Android Marshmallow factory images are live for Nexus devices

I have a Nexus 6 but haven’t installed the developer preview of Android 6.0 Marshmallow…

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Michigan’s Energy Evolution: A Special Report

Michigan’s Energy Evolution: A Special Report

But as Darren Springer told a renewable energy conference last week, the federal government will…

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