How Chernobyl was good for wildlife

How Chernobyl was good for wildlife

The Chernobyl disaster was the worst nuclear power plant accident in history in terms of…

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Amazon Web Services set to debut new business intelligence tool

Amazon Web Services set to debut new business intelligence tool

Also this week, as SiliconANGLE reported earlier today, it’s rumored that AWS could be about…

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South Korean shares close higher helped by Samsung Elec; won gains

South Korean shares close higher helped by Samsung Elec; won gains

Preliminary figure for consolidated operating profit was estimated at 7.3 trillion won (6.3 billion USA…

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Project X-Ray Revealed by Microsoft

Project X-Ray Revealed by Microsoft

Microsoft have announced that the first quarter of 2016 will see developer kits of their…

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Avere’s CloudFusion launches on Amazon Web Services

Avere’s CloudFusion launches on Amazon Web Services

Booth #937, AWS re:Invent, October 6, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) – Informatica, the world’s number one…

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Google Translate is coming to (some) Android apps

Google Translate is coming to (some) Android apps

Wii U exclusive Sonic Lost World is expanding to PC next month

Wii U exclusive Sonic Lost World is expanding to PC next month

Sega has announced Sonic Lost World, formerly only available on the Nintendo Wii U, will…

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Live From Microsoft’s Lumia Press Event

Live From Microsoft’s Lumia Press Event

Microsoft Corporation is expected to push Windows 10 platform and show how it works across…

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Toyota to produce self-driving automobiles by 2020

Toyota to produce self-driving automobiles by 2020

Toyota would like to see its autonomous cars deployed in Japan by the 2020 Tokyo…

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EU Ruling on Prisoner Voting Set to Cause Headache for Cameron

EU Ruling on Prisoner Voting Set to Cause Headache for Cameron

If the court had ruled in his favour this morning, United Kingdom prisoners could have…

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