Moon miners book Kiwi rockets for 2017 lunar landing

Moon miners book Kiwi rockets for 2017 lunar landing

If the mission is successful, Moon Express could become the first privately backed venture to…

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Dish hands back AWS-3 licences

Dish hands back AWS-3 licences

Northstar Wireless and SNR Wireless, two DISH Network companies, have surrendered a part of their…

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Twitter plans to revamp its 140-character limit

Twitter plans to revamp its 140-character limit

Despite it being a company trademark since inception, Twitter is hoping to appease users after…

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Amazon To End Sales Of Rival Streaming Media Players

Amazon To End Sales Of Rival Streaming Media Players

Marketplace sellers received an e-mail from Amazon Seattle-based Web retailer saying that they will stop…

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Hillary Clinton Tells Lena Dunham She’s ‘Puzzled’ by Women Who Aren’t Feminists

Hillary Clinton Tells Lena Dunham She’s ‘Puzzled’ by Women Who Aren’t Feminists

What I did not want to know is whether Hillary Clinton had seen Lenny Kravitz’s…

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Thailand government websites crash in symbolic act by critics

Thailand government websites crash in symbolic act by critics

Thai government websites dropped offline this week in what was either a politically motivated distributed…

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Google Maps for iOS update brings support for the Apple Watch

Google Maps for iOS update brings support for the Apple Watch

Apple Watch has now an updated version 4.11.0 of Google Maps for easy usage especially…

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Verizon’s go90 video streaming service officially launches on Android and iOS

Verizon’s go90 video streaming service officially launches on Android and iOS

NASA Scientists Propose Missions to Venus, Asteroid Psyche, Near-Earth Objects

NASA Scientists Propose Missions to Venus, Asteroid Psyche, Near-Earth Objects

Lucy: the mission would perform the first reconnaissance of the Jupiter Trojan asteroids, objects thought…

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Now readingTwitter Building New Product to Move Past 140-Character Limit

Now readingTwitter Building New Product to Move Past 140-Character Limit

Twitter spokesman Jim Prosser declined to comment. Twitter has plans to build a new product…

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