Save some cash with the new budget range of Nintendo 3DS/2DS games

Save some cash with the new budget range of Nintendo 3DS/2DS games

At any time, you can remove the system’s cover plates and replace them with new…

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#ModiAtFacebook: Twitter reacts to Narendra Modi’s interaction with Zuckerberg

#ModiAtFacebook: Twitter reacts to Narendra Modi’s interaction with Zuckerberg

Ahimsa is the greatest Dharma, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote on the Facebook’s Real Wall…

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Google bumps max Android APK file size to 100MB

Google bumps max Android APK file size to 100MB

It looks like the folks over at Google are feeling generous enough to raise the…

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Facebook Privacy Changes – Fact or Fiction?

Facebook Privacy Changes – Fact or Fiction?

If you do not publish this statement at least once it will be tactically allowing…

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Sonos’ Redesigned Wireless Speaker Auto-Calibrates Itself

Sonos’ Redesigned Wireless Speaker Auto-Calibrates Itself

The company says you’ll be able to calibrate other Sonos speakers, like the Playbar, in…

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Konami UK Feels Metal Gear Solid Can Continue Without Hideo Kojima

Konami UK Feels Metal Gear Solid Can Continue Without Hideo Kojima

During an interview with Game on Daily, Graham Day, Konami’s Senior UK Community Manager, discussed…

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Rosetta comet likely formed from 2 separate objects

Rosetta comet likely formed from 2 separate objects

Since that time, material vaporizing from sunlit areas of the comet and then condensing in…

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The Ad-free Sub — YouTube Subscriptions

The Ad-free Sub — YouTube Subscriptions

A letter from YouTube to its scores of content creators has fueled speculation that Google…

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Supermoon lunar eclipse: how to see the blood moon on Sunday

Supermoon lunar eclipse: how to see the blood moon on Sunday

By the later afternoon hours, the clouds will slowly begin to thin out. There will…

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IPhone 7 will be dustproof and waterproof says report