Samsung’s new ‘S health App’ will now support all android Smartphones

Samsung’s new ‘S health App’ will now support all android Smartphones

Amazon Chooses MediaTek Chip for Fire TV Over Qualcomm

Amazon Chooses MediaTek Chip for Fire TV Over Qualcomm


Tourists interrupt endangered turtle reproduction season in Costa Rican beach

Tourists interrupt endangered turtle reproduction season in Costa Rican beach

The day-trippers swarmed onto the beach to watch one of nature’s most extraordinary sights, hundreds…

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Senate Continues Hearings into Toxic Mine Spill

Senate Continues Hearings into Toxic Mine Spill

As a result, they had no way to immediately communicate with the outside world when…

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Six Months in Space From an Astronaut’s Point of View

Six Months in Space From an Astronaut’s Point of View

Back in March, Kelly and Kornienko agreed to spend twice the length of a normal…

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Google Fortune predicts your future, it’s just not what you’d expect

Google Fortune predicts your future, it’s just not what you’d expect

You can now visit the new Google Fortune website. However, Google Fortune telling is a…

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Prereptile Could Be Earliest To Walk Upright, 260 Mln Years Ago
Destiny: Xur Will Only Sell One New Exotic Item Per Week

Destiny: Xur Will Only Sell One New Exotic Item Per Week

Are you planning to play through Destiny: The Taken King”s King’s Fall raid immediately, as…

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Scientists raise volcano alert level at Mauna Loa to ‘advisory’

Scientists raise volcano alert level at Mauna Loa to ‘advisory’

For the first time in more than thirty years, scientists at the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory…

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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says, ‘OK’ to ‘Dislike’ Button…fnally!

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg says, ‘OK’ to ‘Dislike’ Button…fnally!

Speaking at a public Q&A session this week, Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg revealed that he’s…

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