5 things: House bill would prevent mandatory GMO labeling

5 things: House bill would prevent mandatory GMO labeling

Sen. Lindsey Graham uses blender, fire, golf club to destroy phone

Sen. Lindsey Graham uses blender, fire, golf club to destroy phone

Donald Trump pushed back ever harder Tuesday against Republicans fed up with his provocations, disclosing…

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Leaders aim to end online GST loophole

Leaders aim to end online GST loophole

Ms Palaszczuk, who will fly to the special Council of Australian Governments’ leaders retreat in…

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Selena Gomez rates her hotness

Selena Gomez rates her hotness

But, according to Daily Mail, Raquelle Stevens is actually Selena Gomez’s BFF and the “I…

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‘The Letter’ songwriter Wayne Carson dies at age 72

‘The Letter’ songwriter Wayne Carson dies at age 72

In 1987, “Always on My Mind” returned to the charts yet again, this time in…

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Japan posts photos of Chinese gas work in East China Sea

Japan posts photos of Chinese gas work in East China Sea

A large part of the 2015 version of the white paper is devoted to describing…

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Backers, foes of Iran nuclear deal lobby Congress

Backers, foes of Iran nuclear deal lobby Congress

The account features a photo of the deal’s leading negotiators, including US Secretary of State…

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Deadly collision on Nile between Egyptian cargo boat and ferry

Deadly collision on Nile between Egyptian cargo boat and ferry

Egypt’s Interior ministry says at least 15 civilians have drowned when a passenger boat travelling…

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Top arms control expert: Iran agreement “a big deal”

Top arms control expert: Iran agreement “a big deal”

The worst was when Iran’s previous leader Ayatollah Khomeini and previous president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made…

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Donald Trump wealth details released by federal regulators

Donald Trump wealth details released by federal regulators

At his announcement, Trump released a one-page report that described his net worth as being…

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