
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: ‘Gags’ the creepy clown scares Green Bay

Green Bay police told NBC affiliate WGBA that they have gotten some calls about the clown-but they can’t do much legally. In just five days, “Gags the Green Bay Clown” has gotten more than 12,000 likes on Facebook, with reactions ranging from amused to horrified.


Pictures are circulating on social media of a person standing under a bridge, dressed in a dirty clown costume, and holding black balloons.

A Facebook page has been created where people can post sightings of who they’ve named “Gags the Green Bay Clown”.

Some people in the Facebook group are not on board with this Gag. In 2014, Bakersfield residents living two hours north of Los Angeles in Kern County started reporting gun-totting clowns wandering city streets well past midnight. Fan page commenter Susan Verderber speculated, “It has to be staged”.

Some believe Gags is part of a horror film, but others say they haven’t seen a camera crew. One teenager was arrested for chasing children while dressed as a clown. The clown doesn’t appear armed or risky – just really creepy.


The scary clown you’re seeing here has been spotted repeatedly in the town of Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Mysterious creepy clown carrying black balloons spotted walking around city at night