
CCSD Will Follow Letter on Transgender Students

“We think what the president has done is unconstitutional, and we as parents are very upset and frustrated”, said Stephen Graham, a parent representing a conservative activist group called Standard of Liberty. And Vermont is making an effort to stay ahead of the curve.


A Southern Texas public school superintendent says Obama’s order to allow transgender children to use whatever bathroom they want is “going straight to the shredder”.

A Florida school district will not follow the Obama administration directive to allow transgender students to use the bathroom and locker room corresponding with their gender identity, according to the superintendent.

President Obama insisted guidance for schools on trans students is about protecting youth.

A school may not require transgender students to have a medical diagnosis, undergo any medical treatment, or produce a birth certificate or other identification document before treating them consistent with their gender identity.

The U.S. Departments of Education and Justice guidelines released Friday ensure that all students, including transgender students, can attend school in an environment free from discrimination based on gender.

SM East’s administrators had been proactive about addressing transgender rights prior to the emergence of the national controversy on the issue, organizing a training event for faculty and staff this past fall that featured two transgender SM East students. The letter said schools and universities that fail to meet these accommodations are in violation of Title IX, which can cause the school to lose federal funding.

Similar to its threats to North Carolina, the Obama administration threatened to withhold federal funding from states, districts and schools that do not comply with the law. “People need to use the restroom, they’re not there to do other things”.

“Since there has not been a change in federal law or regulations, TSBA believes more input is necessary prior to developing and disseminating a model policy on this issue”.

Republican House leaders said Monday they stand behind the state bathroom law. She said the university has been working to create signs so students are more aware of which restrooms are for all genders.

Transgender activist Cadilina deVille said she knew when she was as young as a sixth-grader that she was a woman.


Each district “must determine an appropriate response to this federal overreach”, he said.
