
CDC: 185K HIV Infections Prevented by 2020

Somewhat surprisingly, the rate for blacks in the USA is about the same as in under-developed nations, such as Mauritania, where 44 percent of gay and bisexual men were diagnosed with HIV in 2014, and in Senegal, where the infection rate was 42 percent, according to the United Nations program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).


Researchers behind the study expressed that Black men who sleep with other men face a “strikingly high risk” of contracting the disease in comparison to their counterparts of other races.

Reaching the nation’s goal of ensuring 90 percent of people living with HIV are diagnosed, and 80 percent of people diagnosed achieve viral suppression could prevent 168,000 new HIV infections. “Overall, the estimated lifetime risk of being diagnosed with HIV was 1.05 percent, meaning that approximately 3 million Americans (or one in 99 people) will be diagnosed with HIV in their lifetime”, the CDC wrote.

Though the number of HIV cases have dropped significantly to about 40,000 annually in America – 10,000 of those cases occur in gay and bisexual black men.

Hispanics-one in 48 for men and one in 227 for women-have the second highest lifetime risk of diagnosis, the CDC revealed. 1 in 132 White men are expected to be infected.

If you’re a white American woman, your risk of being diagnosed with HIV is pretty small, lower than the odds of dying in a vehicle crash.

“We urgently need to close gaps in HIV care and treatment for people living with HIV”, said Eugene McCray, M.D., director of CDC’s Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention.


Feb 24, 2016-AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization now serving over 590,000 patients around the world, reports deep skepticism regarding a new HIV prevention study released earlier today.

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