
CDC reports first gay Zika case in Dallas

The mosquitoes themselves get infected when they bite a person who is already infected with the virus and then spreads it to other people by biting them.


Brown says public health officials can infer native transmission of Zika won’t be a problem in IN by looking at the relative rarity of a similar virus, Dengue. There are tons of resources provided by the Centers for Disease Control to help you. The virus is spread through mosquito bites.

On Monday, the US Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) issued a zika virus travel notice for Belize.

Health officials, gearing up for a summer to fight the Zika Virus, are reporting a fourth case of Zika in a Missouri resident.

“It can be in the semen longer than the blood, and it can be communicable before symptoms develop”, Howe-White said.

“It’s areas throughout the city so it’s more beneficial to that area but wherever we’re putting it is where they would probably breed from and once they breed they can probably travel 5 to 7 miles from where they hatch out”, Hughes said.

Pregnant women or women hoping to get pregnant are advised to be extra cautious, Werner said. Particularly those who work outdoors and are pregnant, planning pregnancy or the partners of pregnant women should be proactively protected and educated on the risks the zika virus poses, the CDC warns. “Here in NY at least 60 confirmed cases”. “It’s not unfathomable that as mosquito season approaches that we could see an increase of Zika cases in the U.S.”, Hale said.

Bell said the best advice she has is for everybody to be mindful of mosquito prevention this year. “The ones that have Picaridin or DEET are very effective against mosquitoes”.

Officials recommend to apply insect repellants, wear long, loose and light-colored shirts and trousers, and wear socks. We are encouraging all our surrogate candidates to take the necessary precautions which include making sure their window screens are properly fitted, no standing water is in their yard such as in sand boxes, tire swings and other items which harbor mosquito breeding grounds.

She has been confirmed to have contracted the virus, but isn’t experiencing any symptoms.

Mild symptoms typically go away on their own after a few days to weeks.


Zika is a vector-borne virus that is transmitted to humans by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito.

AFP  File  Marvin Recinos The Zika virus is mainly spread via the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito