
CDC: Zika Risk Is No Higher at Schools Than in Surrounding Communities

On Friday, July 29, 2016, Florida said four Zika infections in the Miami area are likely the first caused by mosquito bites in the continental U.S. All previous U.S. cases have been linked to outbreak countries.


A report published in Cbs News revealed, “Though Zika virus produces only mild symptoms – or none at all – in most people who are infected, it is particularly worrisome for pregnant women, because it has been found to cause a severe birth defect called microcephaly in babies”.

The center, which serves 88 hospitals in four states, had already announced what it calls a “Zika Virus travel deferral” for anyone who’d visited Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and the Pacific Islands. The company is tracking the Zika virus impact with its network of 80,000 providers.

Gimenez also urged residents to follow guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Mosquito-control efforts in Miami’s Wynwood neighborhood have been hard because it’s a mixed-use area, where industrial sites are located next to a blend of residences and businesses, Frieden said.

A travel warning from the CDC this morning says pregnant women and their partners should avoid the community north of downtown Miami.

The virus is generally transmitted by mosquito bites. “They should be our partner, and they haven’t been our partner so far”, he said.

“While planning for possible cases of Zika virus infection in schools, educators should maintain provision of a safe, consistent, and effective learning environment”.

The mosquitoes have a short travel range, and Florida officials are describing the infections as a “small case cluster” that do not indicate widespread transmission.

Also, she says mosquitoes can’t fly much more than 150 yards.

Hellerstedt said the repellent is only available to women and not men in the programs because the state had to keep costs down and pregnant women are most at risk for adverse effects. The CDC has reported 14 cases of sexually transmitted infections.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “We can assure the public that Zika does not pose a public health risk in Scotland, and of the cases identified in the United Kingdom a very small number have been found in Scotland”.

He added that he doubted the Zika virus would return year after year as West Nile has, as long as health officials are able to reduce or eliminate the affected-Aedes Aegypti mosquito population.


This Q&A will tell you what you need to know about Zika.

USVI steps up fight against mosquitoes amid Zika outbreak