
CES 2016: Ricky tries Oculus Rift’s new VR accessories

Virtual reality is hardly virtual anymore.


As an unrepentant early adopter, I should be excited.

Orders for the Rift were submitted Wednesday, so there does seem to be a demand regardless of the sticker shock as “core gamers” were the consumer target of Oculus. “It’s an awesome time to be a gamer”. Medical training, travel marketing, construction and design are other areas where virtual reality promises great potential, and a number of organizations have already been experimenting with such technologies, he said. If these reports are something to go by, the indication is very clear that virtual reality will be the main star at the CES 2016 event. Visualise, a London-based virtual reality company, produces 360-degree content. They have worked with sports stars, carmakers, rock bands and even travel agencies, demonstrating the far-reaching applications of VR. According to Luckey, “virtual reality is at its infancy”, but it’s going to grow incredibly fast over the next decade. And the images need to be rendered twice – once for each eye. If you are one of those looking to get their hands quickly on the new VR headset and can not wait till June, then be prepared to buy a gaming machine from Dell as well.

Acer’s Predator G6-710, one of many VR Ready PCs at CES.

Oddly enough, Alienware’s product page for the VR ready desktop tells viewers to add liquid cooling options for CPU overclocking, but the X51 R3 comes with a non-K Intel i5 processor, and the’res no option to add cooling nor is there an option to change the CPU. This is what Samsung is trying to do with their continued development of their virtual reality head-mounted piece called Samsung Gear VR.

My PC is overdue for an upgrade.

Simmetri: Simmetri is a game engine and “virtual playground” that lets you build 3D experiences for VR, screens and projections. For the rest of us, this is likely going to be an expensive decision to make.

Nvidia’s new program does not mention its rival, AMD. Ditto for the space simulator Elite: Dangerous. One of the developer’s former employees now works at Oculus.

VR enthusiasts, in the wild.

My money is on the Oculus Rift! Basically, gamers everywhere will be able to enjoy an open world first perspective role-playing game minutes after bringing the bundle home.

“We believe in this and want to make it a success”, Azor said.


Twelve-year old me is admittedly psyched that these are the existential gaming crises I’m having as an adult. Sweetening the pot, the Oculus Rift will come bundled with Lucky’s Tale, and EVE: Valkyrie – the highly anticipated sister title to EVE: Online.

CES 2016: Set your smartwatch for a virtual-reality future