
Chaffetz Escalates Battle with FBI over Clinton Probe Records

Bryan Pagliano, a former information resource management adviser at the State Department, is scheduled to appear Tuesday before the Oversight and Government Reform Committee.


Cooper also told the committee he didn’t know what “security functions” were on the servers or whether they were encrypted. But he said he was aware of many failed login attempts that he described as “brute force attacks”.

Republicans have assailed Comey’s ruling and demanded that the Justice Department open a new investigation into whether Clinton lied during testimony previous year before the House panel investigating the deadly 2012 attacks in Benghazi.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), the Chairman of the House Oversight Committee asked Paul Combetta of Platte River Networks.

259-a-14-(Representative Elijah Cummings, D-Md., ranking Democrat, House Oversight and Governmment Reform Committee, during hearing)-“committee yet again”-Congressman Elijah Cummings says Chairman Chaffetz and other Republicans on the committee are just playing politics since the election is looming”. “I was going out of my way to preserve all of the information that was on those devices”, he said, adding, “We would take the information that was on the old device, back it up, transfer it to the new device”. Congressional Republicans have cast Clinton as reckless with USA national security by insisting on using private communications systems at potentially greater risk of being penetrated by Chinese and Russian hackers.

Democrats insist the sole goal of the hearings is to undermine Clinton’s bid for the presidency. Comey told bureau employees in an internal memo that it wasn’t a close call.

Two officials from a company that maintained the server after it was moved to a data center in New Jersey appeared at the hearing but invoked their right not to testify.

During a hearing about the classifications and redacted information in the FBI report on the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server released ahead of the Labor Day weekend, the FBI’s Acting Assistant Director for Congressional Affairs Jason Herring said he could not commit to turning over unredacted documents. His attorney, Howard Shapiro, sat behind him.

Witnesses at the hearing on several occasions said they could not answer the questions from lawmakers in an open forum and the committee later voted to hold the remainder of the hearing in closed session.


According to the FBI’s notes from their investigation of Clinton’s use of a private server, Cooper destroyed two of Clinton’s Blackberry devices with a hammer. Cooper also registered the email domain “” in 2009, when Clinton’s nomination to be secretary of state was being considered by the Senate.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to members of the media before boarding her campaign plane at Westchester County Airport in White Plains N.Y. Thursday Sept. 8 2016 to travel to Charlotte N.C. to attend a campaign rally. (A