
Change name to ‘Black Lives Matter Too’ — Anna Lee Landen

“We got to be open minded towards each other, I mean, if the skinheads come out and say white lives matter, am I supposed to get mad at them because the way that they feel?”


The movement has been a heated topic lately as two black men were shot and killed in Minnesota and Louisiana, prompting protests across the country. Maybe we are more concerned with the dead black man’s criminal record than his innocence.

One rally is being organized by Building Communities and Families, while the other is a Black Lives Matter/End Police Brutality gathering, according to documents from the S.C. Department of Administration. Five Dallas police officers were killed in a protest in Dallas.

Giuliani has not held public office since 2001, but he has asserted himself on a pair of inflammatory issues that are helping shape this year’s White House race.

Just like asking dad for your fair share, the phrase “black lives matter” also has an implicit “too” at the end: it’s saying that black lives should also matter. During a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas hours in response to the week’s deaths, law enforcement officers were gunned down.

“We’re trying to show the United Kingdom that we can do it as well and do it without any violence”. And not all of its supporters are black.

“The demented individual who carried out those attacks in Dallas, he’s not more representative of all African-Americans than the shooter in Charleston was representative of white Americans”, Obama said, referring to the murderer of nine blacks last July.

And there’s been a pushback from people who proclaim “All Lives Matter”. “You shouldn’t have to choose between the police and the citizens they are sworn to protect”. It is important to hear the ideas of those who think differently and actually put thought into another perspective rather than to shut it down entirely.

The scenes of the most recent controversial police involved shootings. There are people who do not believe that there has been much progress on racial issues at all since the Civil Rights movement. But officers evidently took that as a threat and shot him. Situations like this just show what can happen when the carrier is the hunted one.

Rudy Giuliani doesn’t like the sound of Black Lives Matter.

Even Donald Trump has discounted the notion, ironically calling those three words “racist” and “very divisive”. “It is an affirmation of Black folks’ contributions to this society, our humanity, and our resilience in the face of deadly oppression”. It should be precise.

The “Lives Matter Movement” now wants to take their message across the country to cities like Baton Rouge and Minneapolis.

Will Prosper, a former RCMP officer, said police in Quebec do not treat everyone the same.

Let’s not reduce this to a case of blacks vs. cops or Black Lives Matter vs.

More than 100 people have said they plan to attend, including members of the clergy and other community activists. You could see all those factors at play when he told a protester Monday to become “part of the solution”.

It shouldn’t surprise us that gang violence is rampant in a community where schools are underfunded, jobs are scarce and families have been torn apart by gun violence and draconian jail sentences for minor infractions like marijuana possession, a crime which according to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics from 2010, blacks are 10 times more likely to be arrested for than whites, despite near parity between the races in reported usage.


Rekha Basu is a columnist for the Des Moines Register.

Black Lives Matter rally planned in Seaside