
Chaos in Labour Party continues over leadership

Mr McDonnell’s comments followed the decision by Labour’s National Executive Committee (NEC) to allow Jeremy Corbyn on the Labour leadership ballot.


However, he said she was “supported by a lot of people who are further right on the spectrum of the Labour party than I am”.

Corbynistas – says it is his fans that elected him that count and not the bulk of his elected members of parliament who want to topple him.

Although Labour Party members need to have signed up on or before 12 January to be eligible to vote in the leadership contest, registered supporter status gives people a one-off vote if they pay the £25 fee.

“Certain groups within the party published my personal contact details online; one of my colleagues has just recently had a stalker sectioned – she was in tears, she begged the leader for a secret ballot to protect her and also other colleagues who had received intimidating and bullying behaviour”.

Despite dozens of resignations from his front bench and losing a no confidence motion among his MPs by 172 votes to 40, Mr Corbyn says he will fight efforts to remove him as leader.

No. The ruling NEC said as the incumbent, Jeremy Corbyn will automatically be included on the ballot paper. “They represent their constituency but ultimate they are selected by and accountable to their Constituency Labour Party”, the motion declared.

More than half (57%) rejected calls for a second referendum – an idea backed by Labour leadership candidate Owen Smith – while 29% said they were in favour.

“But I will serve and work with Jeremy if he wins”.

Speaking in a separate interview with the BBC, Corbyn said he hopes party officials change those rules.

More than a third (34%) said Mr Smith has a better chance than Mr Corbyn (27%) with a similar figure for Angela Eagle (36% to 32%).

The result is a significant setback for Angela Eagle, who faces a major battle to overturn his overwhelming backing among party supporters.

Corbyn continues to have strong support among Labour supporters, who took to the streets in thousands after the attempted coup in the party following the Brexit vote.

Eagle urged Corbyn to “get control” of his supporters after a brick was hurled through her office window.


“I utterly condemn any violence or threats, which undermine the democracy within our party and have no place in our politics”.

Corbyn's statement after winning right to be included on Labour leadership ballot paper