
Charles Barkley: Black people have ‘to do better’

Tuesday, the Hall of Famer joined ESPN’s ” Dan Le Batard Show” to discuss the recent police shootings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile and the attack on law enforcement in Dallas. “I’ve always said we as black people, if you want respect, you’ve got to give each other respect”. “I’ve always said we as black people, if you want respect, you’ve got to give each other respect”.


Also, Black people could fully respect each other and demand all the respect in the world, and still get gunned down by a racist cop. “There’s a lot of blame to go around, but I’m not going to get on TV and yell like all of these other idiots, but I am willing to sit down with anybody and have [some] constructive criticism”. The NBA legend recently spoke on police brutality and the divisive racial issues gripping the nation, and his commentary left much to be desired. If I’m helping young black kids go to college like I’m trying to do, I know I’m part of the solution. “I think some of these cops are panicking under pressure”.

Barkley’s comments hit nerve with the radio host, who pointed out that police are more likely to panic around black men than other races. He said there is “some reason why there’s racial stereotypes” and added that “some of these black people out there are committing crimes”.

Until then, let’s agree to ask Barkley about Twitter as often as possible just so we can get him to say, “do tweets”. “I’m saying we can’t jump to conclusions every time [just] because a guy is black”.

Barkley said he respects and admires what police officers do. We have to work with the cops because we need the cops.


‘We gotta look at the big picture.

Charles Barkley on police shootings: The black community must “do better”