
Charles Barkley says he prefers John Kasich

Basketball legend Charles Barkley said if he had to pick a president today, he’d vote for Ohio Gov. John Kasich.


This line of attack, however, is disingenuous, for neither are their candidates of choice-Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina-particularly conservative.

“The argument has been made that states should reclaim their share of federal dollars but the begs the question, what about our children’s share of the federal debt?”

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was second in Florida, with 17 percent, followed by U.S. Sen. The state spent $6.2 billion on schools in 2011-2012 and has budgeted $7.9 billion for 2016-2017.

Kasich has defended his decision to authorize Medicaid expansion in Ohio on religious grounds, a rationale that has fallen flat with conservatives.

The “moderate” label so frustrates some in his state that Ohio Senate Minority Leader Joe Schiavoni of Boardman, D-33rd, wrote a lengthy editorial for USA Today last week decrying it, writing, “My job would be a whole lot easier if John Kasich were actually a moderate”.

Regarding the change in protection for transgender Ohio state employees, John Kasich’s press secretary, Rob Nicholas, told NBC News, “We extended those protections in the way we thought most appropriate”. “Kasich said he believed Ohio did not need a religious freedom law, like Indiana”, said Mike Brickner, the senior policy director at ACLU Ohio. “Kasich is a cheerleader for illegal immigration”, he said. He says it will be hard for Kasich and other candidates that are not nationally-recognized to break through the Republican polls because Donald Trump is capturing all media attention.

“Kasich told PBS Newshour’s Gwen Iffil, “… They bombed Daesh three times, and then they bombed the Kurds 300 times. They want to take away collective bargaining. They’re going to have to wait, but I – look, they have become a very important part of our society.

The governor’s supporters emphasize that education spending will increase overall during Kasich’s tenure.

Gonzales said Kasich has a unique perspective.

With Kasich in, having a compelling personal story, appealing to a broad base, finding support from people who don’t always vote Republican and running on a record of winning elections is no longer a resume that only Christie can tout.


In Jennifer Rubin’s world of wine and roses, John Kasich has “moved ahead on gay marriage” by saying it’s “kind of off the table” even though he does in fact oppose equal rights and his Anglican pastor likes to compare LGBT activists to fascists and Nazis. They are largely competing for the same voters, and in Peterborough it was easy to see the big opening Bush has left for Kasich. However, in a Republican primary season dominated by antiestablishment, anti-liberal anger, there are better endorsements Kasich could have gotten.

John Kasich