
Charlie Sheen Facing Assault Suit, Ex-Girlfriend Scottine Sheen Alleges He Put

The 50-year-old Golden Globe-winner originally agreed to resolve all the issues by paying her one million dollars, as well as, a percentage of his earnings from his FX series, Anger Management.


In addition to Ross’ claim that Sheen didn’t disclose his HIV status, she accuses the actor of physically abusing her throughout their relationship, including kicking her on the ground during one incident and threatening to kill her during other fights.

In the lawsuit, Rossi explains that she met Sheen in November 2013 when he paid her $10,000 for sex, but then forced her to sign a non-disclosure agreement. He also didn’t want Rossi “to give birth to a retarded child”.

It’s a common accusation among Charlie Sheen’s ex-girlfriends that he didn’t disclose his HIV status while dating and having unprotected sex with them. She accepted, and their relationship soon turned romantic. Rossi alleges Sheen would push her, put her in chokeholds, lock her in the bathroom, and point unloaded guns at her and pull the trigger. “Instead, part of the entire ruse was to get her to fall in love with him [and] convince her that they would be together forever”. The relationship ended without warning when Sheen broke up with Ross via text message, Ross says, leaving her “devastated because she believed that, despite all they had been through, she and Sheen had a very serious relationship”.

A statement released by the attorney declares, “Charlie Sheen intends to vigorously defend the lawsuit filed by Scottine Ross”. “We are confident that Mr. Sheen will prevail in this action and will prevail on his claim for affirmative relief against her”, Singer said.

Scottine Ross, a porn star who performed under the name Brett Rossi, sued the actor on Thursday for assault, battery and intentional infliction of emotional distress claims.


Sheen went public with HIV diagnosis during a “Today” show appearance with Matt Laeur last month, during which he also insisted he had never missed a dose of his medicine.

Charlie sheen brett rossi lawsuit